Forecast for next 4 days
General info on Cheshire’s weather
Today’s weather and a 4-day forecast, for Crewe (in mid-Cheshire) is shown on the right. Also listen to/watch a video clip of the BBC weather forecast for NW England.
General info
Cheshire isn’t a dairying county for nothing, and all those green fields and woods are the result of rain.
However, it’s unusual to have hours and hours of rain – showers are more common. Fortunately, the prevailing wet westerly winds shed most of their load on the hills of North Wales, leaving the sun to shine quite often over the Cheshire plain. But the eastern hills get their fair share of weather typical of high ground, so rain, cold winds and low cloud are quite likely.
Watch out for frosty conditions, or even snow, in late autumn, winter and spring too. Also beware of frosty surfaces and black ice lingering in cold dips in roads, on roads shaded from the winter sun, and bridges. The local council grits main roads, bus routes, and some country lanes, but not all, so take care.
Take a look at the Met Office for general information on Cheshire and NW weather.