When friends and family fear for your life, reassure them with these links. All based on solid research, rather than hysterical headlines.
General safety
Safety quiz
This quiz assesses your perception of risks on the road. Although a USA site, it does refer to UK situations too. Take the quiz and be surprised (or not).
Good News about Bicycling
A website for everyday cycling folk – although a U.S.A. site, the tips and info are just as useful for us on this side of the pond.
To wear a helmet or not? Read the facts presented by the Bicycle Helmet Research Foundation and make up your own mind. Pros and cons are based on solid, well-designed research rather than emotive opinion, anecdotes or skewed statistics.
The Bicycle Helmet Research Foundation (BHRF) states on its website that it is ‘an incorporated body with an international membership, to undertake, encourage, and spread the scientific study of the use of bicycle helmets.’
It continues with ‘The purpose of cyclehelmets.org [ie BHRF’s website] is to provide a resource of best-available factual information to assist the understanding of a complex subject, and one where some of the reasoning may conflict with received opinion. In particular we seek to provide access to a wider range of information than is commonly made available by some governments and other bodies … It is hoped that this will assist informed judgements about the pros and cons of cycle helmets.’
There is more information about this issue from Cycling UK (formerly CTC) too.